Maxwell Schnurer teaches Public Presentations, Argumentation, Communication and Social Advocacy (I and II), Gender and Communication, Communication Theory, Theories of Communication Influence, and Act to End Sexualized Violence. His research focuses on social movements, language, power, and freedom.
Maxwell is the co-author of the best-selling debate textbook Many Sides: Debate across the Curriculum (IDEA Press, 2000, 2002). He is also a contributor to groundbreaking texts on animal liberation, earth liberation, and anarchism. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2002 with specialties in rhetoric and women’s studies. Maxwell serves on the Sexual Assault Prevention Committee and the the board of directors of the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT). He is a record collector, DJ, artist, and journalist.
Some of Maxwell’s publications include:
“Corporate direct action: a Juxtaposition.” Coauthored with Scott Paynton. Journal of Business and Professional Ethics. Forthcoming Spring 2011.
“Learning: An accessible artifact for discussion of anarchy in education.” Coauthored with Laura Hahn. Contemporary Anarchist Studies. Routledge 2009.
“They Took Ulrike Meinhof’s Brain: A Comparative Study of the Causes of and Justifications for Militant Direct Action” Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of Mother Earth. Oakland CA: AK Press. April 2006.
“Gaming as Control: Will to Power, the Prison of Debate and a Game Called Potlatch” Contemporary Argumentation and Debate. Forum Section. Spring 2004.
“Participation to Praxis: Public Debate as Amplification of Civic Culture” In La situation deliberative dans le debat public (Eds. B. Castagna, S. Gallain, P. Ricaud, and J.P. Roy). Presses Universitaires Francois-Rabelais: Tours. 2004.
“At the Gates of Hell: The Animal Liberation Front and Holocaust Resistance.” Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: Critical Reflections on Animal Liberation. Edited by Steven Best and Anthony Nocella. Lantern Press. 2004.