Ethnic Studies Council


The Cal Poly Humboldt Ethnic Studies Council implements AB1460 (Ethnic Studies Requirement) through collaboration with committees across campus, the CSU Ethnic Studies Council, and the NAS and CRGS Department Chairs. Representation on the committee includes: Two (2) co-chairs (1 from CRGS and 1 from NAS); and  faculty who teach in Ethnic Studies departments at Cal Poly Humboldt (Tenure Track or Lecturer faculty). All faculty who teach a course listed in an Ethnic Studies department (CRGS/NAS) or who teach an Area F approved course listed with an Ethnic Studies department are welcome to join the Cal Poly Humboldt Ethnic Studies Council. Co-chairs are elected by their representative departments (CRGS/NAS) and serve a term of two-years.

Ethnic Studies Council Co-Chairs (2024-2025)

Roberto Monico (CRGS)

Aaron Gregory (NAS)

Area F: Ethnic Studies is part of the General Education Curriculum at Cal Poly Humboldt

Current Area F courses include:
ES 105 - Introduction to US Ethnic Studies Units: 3
ES 106 - Introduction to Black Studies Units: 3
ES 107 - Chican@/Latinx Lives Units: 3
ES 202 - Hip Hop and the Black Experience Units: 3
ES 301 - Media and the Politics of Representation Units: 4
ES 302 - Asian American Studies Units: 3
ES 303 - From Civil Rights, Black Power to Black Lives Matter Units: 3
ES 305 - African American Cultural History Units: 3
ES 308 - Multi-Ethnic Resistance in the U.S. Units: 3
NAS 104 - Introduction to Native American Studies Units: 3
NAS 107 - Introduction to California Indian Peoples and Places Units: 3
NAS 303 - Native American Psychology Units: 3
NAS 304 - Native Tribes of California Units: 3

AB 1460

AB 1460 was signed into law on August 17, 2020. This law provides an explicit pathway for implementation of an Ethnic Studies requirement in the CSU. The disciplinary focus is defined in AB1460 as being on one or more of four groups: Native American Studies, African American Studies, Asian American Studies, and Latina and Latino American Studies.

Area F: Ethnic Studies (GE Requirement) at Cal Poly Humboldt

At Cal Poly Humboldt University Ethnic Studies disciplines are housed in two departments: Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Ethnic Studies Major Concentration and Minor) and Native American Studies. These two departments will be where courses that meet the AB 1460/Area F Requirement will be listed and maintained. To learn more about the Area F requirement visit: 

Ethnic Studies Council Newsletter (Fall 2024)

Ethnic Studies Celebration - Friday, Sept. 30, 10am-8pm

Poster with information about the Ethnic Studies Celebation on Friday, Sept. 30