Janet's areas of specialization include Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Feminist Studies, British Modernism, and Queer Studies. Her current scholarly interests are Queen Victoria in the 20th Century and "whiteness"; Virginia Woolf and performance; Katherine Mansfield and race; and queer narrative.
She teaches courses in British literature, postcolonial literature, cultural studies, women's writing, queer theories, and lesbian literature as well as core courses for the English major. She also supervises master's theses in the English MA program and serves as an Advisory and Curriculum Committee member for the Multicultural Queer Studies program.
Her publications include:
Woolf’s To the Lighthouse. Reader’s Guides Series on Key Texts in Literature and Philosophy. London: Continuum Books, 2009.
“Difficult Silences” Academe: Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (July-August 2006): 64-67.
“Reading Influences: Homoeroticism and Mentoring in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Carnation’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘Moments of Being: Slater’s Pins Have No Points.’” Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings. Ed. Eileen Barrett and Patricia Cramer, The Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life and Literature Series. Ed. Karla Jay. New York University Press, 1997. 57-77. Reprinted in Short Story Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers, Vol. 81. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. New York: Thomson Gale Publishers, 2005. 45-54.
"Queen Victoria in the Funnyhouse: Adrienne Kennedy and the Rituals of Colonial Possession." Remaking Queen Victoria. Ed. Margaret Homans and Adrienne Munich. Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture Series. Ed. Gillian Beer and Catherine Gallagher. Cambridge University Press, 1997. 235-57.
“‘Something Out of Harmony’: To the Lighthouse and the Subject(s) of Empire.” Woolf Studies Annual 2 (1996): 39-70. Reprinted in part in Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse, The Waves. Ed. Jane Goldman. Series Ed. Richard Beynon. Columbia Critical Guides Series. Columbia University Press, 1998. Icon Critical Guides Series. Cambridge: Icon Books, 1997. 159-67.